Saturday, December 8, 2012

Conservative House members being punished by GOP leadership?

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Actually yes -- were ousted by speaker John Boehner from key committee posts in the house for the conservative views and votes against the party leadership now.

The speaker's office -- in fact -- this was an act of retaliation saying their conservatism.

Has nothing to do with it and that the decision was based on quote a range of factors.

And here to explain what exactly they think is going on and why Kansas congressman.

Tim -- camp is with us and from Michigan we have congressman -- here.

All right.


Heels can't let let me start with you because you're quoted as saying in fact you believe this was directly related to -- that you would give -- you brought this up -- conference yesterday.

What -- you told in conference.

We knew we were ignored I ask for a list of the votes by which they used to make this decision indeed there was a list.

A litmus test and that it wasn't provided yet and I think many my colleagues are outraged because the boat is.

Sacred I mean we'll turn that over to anybody in Washington and clearly -- voted against the debt deal I voted against a number of these budgets have voted against these.

Bills that they didn't solve our spending problem and that's where but most critical were repent in Washington but that's -- I -- my folks and we have to change Washington.

Before changes -- and then now we get punished by being taken off committees that that are very important Kansas.

We -- basically saying that this is a result of your conservatism and this is only happening and I also read tonight that.

This speaker said hey there might be more of this we're going to be watching your votes closely with that said.

Yes yes that was said John and I was very disappointed in that and it was pretty clear that there may be more and that.

That's not the way around the house and frankly I usually voting its leadership as when they did things that we're not conservative -- we can disagree on strategy.

Disagree on tactics but we can't disagree on the fact is we're spending too much money in Washington were -- too much money we're about ready to jump over fiscal cliff we got this huge.

Sixteen point three trillion dollar debt and their focus on a few people that have pointed out that.

Problem congressman Marshall what is your interpretation of all of this and what do you say to the speaker who is denying that in fact the votes -- and do -- this.

Well thanks for having me on Jon and it's it's pretty clear there was a score card.

They haven't denied that.

But they they continue to insist that wasn't the reason doesn't make any sense to me.

If there was a score card and and we've heard there is and show it to us let us see what the score card says.

And I will bet that the reason they don't want to show it I think it's pretty obvious.

That if you were fiscally irresponsible you were docked on that scorecard you're actually marked down in the Republican conference for being fiscally responsible.

And we were sent here to represented the American people the vast majority of Americans want us to come here and work together to balance the budget.

Yeah congressman -- what I'm a conservative -- even registered conservative in New York I'm not a registered Republican what.

-- and I I believe the it with the Tea Party in limited government I think the argument ought not be about which revenues are gonna raise but it ought to be about.

Cutting spending in Washington so as a conservative than any other conservatives in the country what should they had to be thinking at this point.

In terms of are conservatives being punished in the house because if they are I have a big problem -- that.

And Sean here's what I think is gonna happen I think the efforts underway we may have.

Have members of leadership talk about tax increases.

Friday I released a video I meant it and reaffirm my pledge not to raise taxes less than one business day later is when are received word I've been removed from a committee.

I think there's the effort there's the desire raise taxes in Washington DC and I expect them the president of the United States expect that of Harry Reid.

But I expect Republicans who actually reaffirm their pledge and hold to the pledge of 238 -- what said don't raise tax that -- that's where they're headed.

put sixteen.

Republican congressman.

Could hold up the speakership of congressman Boehner is there a growing movement congressman a -- in the Republican caucus.

Well I think there's a lot of unrest right now a lot of on these.

The speaker may have miscalculated here thinking in that it's just going to be a few of us who are concerned about it.

But it's clear he he made a threat to the rest of the conference and people are taking that very well.

And I've heard from people high up in the ranks who are saying look this is not the right way to run a conference.

And so I think this is gonna backfire on -- speaker Boehner and people around a conference like this have to be very careful all right gentlemen both do you thank you then continue to watch the story -- reach out to leadership and see if they'll come on and answer some of the questions about this and --


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